18 Things I Learned Before 18

1:21:00 PM

I don't know about you,but I am feeling...18 (haha yeah that reference doesn't really work)! As you may or may not know, I have turned 18 a couple of days ago and I celebrated it with my closest friends and family. I had the absolute loveliest time and I got spoiled rotten! I really appreciate and feel so grateful and overjoyed for everything they have done for me, it was honestly one of the best times I have ever had. But to be honest, I don't really get all that fuss around 18th birthday. To me, it is just as any other birthday and I don't really understand all the glitz and the glam around it. Yes, you finally technically become a '' grown up '' and you are now responsible for your own actions, so it is considered as the age of adulthood and responsibility, but I do not really see it as that big of a deal. Maybe it's because I don't really want to feel as an adult just yet. Although I didn't really feel that excited about turning 18. I realized nothing has really changed (yet!) and I am really looking forward to the fun times ahead. So, today I wanted to share some of the photos from the birthday atmosphere and tell you some of the things I have learned before I reached the infamous age of 18, as well as for you as for me, in case I need a reminder (some are a bit silly, some random, and some actually valuable). I hope you enjoy!

1. Smile! Seriously. as ridiculous it may sound, smiling really heals everything. It is so important, and even if you are not feeling your best. remember to smile just a little bit and your day will turn around. A simple smile brightens your own day and everyone else's. Smiling is powerful,contagious and just the best! So if you have not yet today, it is your turn to smile :)

2. Another important thing, I have learned, and I always value is to cherish your family and always tell them you love them! They are there for you when nobody else is and we sometimes get caught up in our every day worries and problems, and forget who is really there for us no matter what.

3. Working hard really pays off! I used to think that working hard is sometimes too much, and that you can get what you want even if you don't try or push hard enough. That is not the case, and even if whatever you're doing may seem unworthy or that you'll never succeed in it, just work a little bit more on it and it will surely pay off.

4. Be kind. Always. '' Where there is kindness, there is goodness and where there is goodness there is magic '' says a quote from Cinderella and it is one of my ultimate favorites, because it is could not be more true.

5. Appreciate your friends and spend as much time with them as you can! With friends. just as family, we sometimes forget to tell them how much we appreciate them and thank them for always sticking by our side. So hug them, and enjoy your time with them because they make your teenage years a whole lot better.

6. It's okay to sometimes still act like a kid! That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. Though, it is really important not to forget the childhood times, and really who cares if you still cry while you watch an animated Disney movie? Also, if you feel like putting on a cartoon on and cozying up on the sofa, just do it, because nothing can compare to that lovely familiar childhood feeling.

7. Sometimes the best thing to do is to curl up on the couch and watch Netflix! When everything seems a bit too much or if you do not feel like doing anything else or if you feel down about something. just put on some Netflix and get some snacks and they will fix everything, and you do not need to feel bad about not doing anything productive that day :)

8. Spread a bit of positivity each day! It can be something totally random, like holding the door for your neighbour or smiling at a stranger. Just if you do that little something for someone at least once, you will feel a lot better about yourself and it will instantly boost your mood.

9. Take many pictures! There is never such a thing as too many pictures, so whenever you feel like it, grab a camera or your phone and take some photos. They are the memory you will hold onto forever!

10. You can never judge someone by the first impression. I have learned that some of the best people in life are shy and don't know how to let other people in at first. Also, just because someone is full of high energy doesn't mean that things will always feel so glamorous for them. So always think and look twice before you make a judgement about someone.

11. Put on sun cream when you go to the beach. I am writing this for myself to remember because I cannot tell you how many times I went to the beach and forgot to put on sun cream. And then I come back  get so sunburnt and I keep peeling for the next three days.

12. Do not settle down. There is so much to do in life, so always go out and travel as often as you can. This is something I plan to do and I would love to travel all over the world.

13. Everyone has different opinions on things. People have different opinions from you,and it is important to always listen to them and hear them out. You can get a different, new and maybe even better point of view.

14. As silly as it sounds, a good haircut and makeup make things a lot better. That doesn't necessarily mean you need them to feel great about yourself, but sometimes they can make a little difference!

15. Eat that cake you want. Just do it, no one will care, I promise.

16. Enjoy little things. It's those little things that make life wonderful and sometimes we get so caught up in trying to accomplish something big, that we fail to notice the little things that are the best and right in front of us!

17. You are never too old to start a new hobby. It really never is too late to start doing something you love, whether it be playing the piano, riding a horse, learning a new language or start blogging, so find what you love and start doing it!

18. And finally, you still have a lot to learn. 18 may seem like a big number, but it really is just the beginning of something even better and greater!

And that's it! I really hope you guys have enjoyed this little post! Until next time, lots and lots of love, M xx

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  1. Great post and photos are gorgeous dear xx

  2. Happy belated birthday! So pleased you had a nice time and your cake looks incredible!
    Gemma x

  3. AnonymousJuly 21, 2016

    Happy birthday! Best wishes, Belle xoxo


  4. Happy belated birthday! Haha I get what you mean; I never feel any different, older, or wiser when I turn another year old, but with everyone around us being excited for us, it's hard not to get caught up in it too! I love #17 (: I totally agree! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Thank you so much Audrey x and yes I completely agree with everything you said :)

  5. AnonymousJuly 21, 2016

    I love the photos! you r so cute! x


  6. Happy 18th gorgeous! and keep on learning!


    Tamara - LoveofMode.com

  7. Happy late birthday! I hope you had a great time!

  8. Happy late birthday! I hope you had a great time!

  9. This is a great post! I totally agree about taking lots of photos, I love to look back at memories x


    1. Thank you Emma, I am really glad you liked it x

  10. Happy Birthday! hope you'd have an amazing day:)


  11. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays gorgeous, and you are so right, even if you reach a certain age, you do not have to start acting all grown up all of a sudden, we are all still kiddos at heart x


    1. Thank you so much for the loveliest comment Becky, it made me smile xx


  12. Gorgeous photos darling and the cake looks so yummy! :)

  13. First of all, happy 18th! Second, loved this post and totally agree #16 & #17 you really are never too old to start a new hobby :)

    Sophie- sophiebennet.blogspot.com

  14. This is such a beautiful post :) I need to print and hang this on the wall so I can always remember how to be grateful and better person in general. I'm turning 24 this year and I still act like a kid (plus eating the whole cake thing too) ;)

    Selene Addicted

    1. Aww thank you so much for the nicest comment Dea, hugs xx

  15. AnonymousJuly 22, 2016

    Funnily enough, I didn't find turning 18 to be 'special' either! These are some great things that you have learnt though x


    1. Hehe I am glad we are the same then Holly. Thank you so much xx

  16. Happy birthday! Sending you lots of best wishes from Poland!


  17. Happy Bday! Seems like you already learned all the important things :)
    Love your watch :D


    Novelstyle Blog

  18. Thank you Vildana and sure I'll follow you xx

  19. Amazing post, you look gorgeous in the photos and that cake looks incredible! Thank you for all the love on my blog, I am glad we connected :)

    Georgina// georginasammings.wordpress.com

    1. Thank you so so much Georgina, and I am really glad we connected too, hugs xx

  20. Happy birthday dear! You have already learned a lot and I love what you said about still having a lot to learn, that's what life is all about.

    1. Thank you so much Violet and I totally agree xx

  21. Oooooh crap, I've just realised I'll be able to sing the actual song in a little over a year! I loved all those tips, they were all great!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you'll have a great year ahead :)

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

    1. Haha that's so awesome, I am really excited to get to sing the song myself one day. Thank you so much Acqua, lots of love xx

  22. Happy belated 18th! All the photos look amazing :)



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