
Bath and Body Works Fall Candles

8:58:00 AM

Nothing says fall more than a lovely smelling Bath and Body works candle. Every fall I like to buy at least two new candles from their amazing collection and this year was no different. I went out and bought some new ones and I wanted to share them with you. I picked out '' Apple Ale '', '' Sweet Cinnamon pumpkin '' and '' Cider Lane ''. These are all incredible and absolutely perfect for fall scents and that's why I loved them and just had to get them.

Apple Ale is the first one I chose, because I haven't tried it before and the name sounded interesting. But it was when I smelt it that I was sold. It is a spicy apple cider scent with heavy notes of cinnamon. It is so wonderful and it smells so spicy and warm. It is basically a perfect refresher on a fall day with a blend of autumn apples, brown sugar and cinnamon bark. When you burn it, it fills up the house instantly and this one reminds me of coziness and I really love the smell of apples, so it would be a real shame to not pick it up!

Now for Sweet cinnamon pumpkin candle, it is basically fall in a jar. It smells of pumpkins, my favorite, and delicious cinnamon and it just makes you want to eat it. It is not too strong, just enough to fill up your bedroom or living room and to make it smell so warm and cozy!

Cider Lane is another amazing fall classic! It is a very nice caramel apple fragrance and it's got a gooey caramel note, with a crisp green apple undertone. The caramel dominates this fragrance and the apple freshens it up. This could honestly be one of the best caramel scents I have ever smelt. It is very sweet and such a perfect candle to burn on a cold fall day because it fills up your house with warm, lovely smells!

All Bath and Body Works candles always have amazing packaging, but the fall ones are definitely my faves. They always have beautiful photos on them and the lid has a shape of a leaf on it and I just love it and it is too cute. They would make a perfect present for anyone this time a year or if you just want to treat yourself, then you definitely should!

That's it for my little Bath and Body works haul, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you like buying candles for fall and which is your favorite scent? Love, M xx

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  1. They all sound amazing! I wish we had Bath and Body Works in the UK! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

  2. They are so beautiful! I love the smell of Fall candles and I'm so excited that our favorite season has finally arrived.

  3. Che buone queste candele!

  4. These sound dreamy, I wish we had a Bath & Body Works here in the UK, I'm forever seeing posts from American friends featuring them. These Autumn scents look particularly nice.

    http://fourcatsplusus.co.uk - Amy x

    1. Thank you so much Amy, I hope you can get them xx

  5. Oh these sound lovely and perfect for Autumn. Gemma x

  6. I love Bath and Body Works candles! I've banned myself from buying candles at the moment because I have an unhealthy obsession and own too many. However, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep myself from buying some because these sound amazing! Thanks for sharing!

    x. Cattleya


    1. Hahah I am the same, but you should definitely get these ones xx

  7. When I go to the USA the first thing I'm doing is stopping at Bath and Body works :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

  8. Lovely post and the candles look amazing !


  9. Lovely post and the candles look amazing !


  10. These candles look lovely and perfect for autumn!! I wish we had that store here, I wanted to go candle-haunting soon hahah

    Carmen x

  11. I'm not being funny or anything, but some of the few bath and body works Autumn candles which are of Autumnal food scents, literally make me crave to eat the food right now. But the other ones are heavenly and really smell of Autumn.

    BBB xx www.beautybeblogger.blogspot.co.uk/

  12. The Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin and Apple Ale candles seems good to me. Even though, Bath and Body Work Autumn Candles come across as impressive scents, I actually prefer Molton Brown's Autumn scents which you can find here at: http://www.moltonbrown.co.uk/store/home-fragrance/scented-candles/ .

    #sweetreats xxx www.bakingboutiquebirds.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Thank you for suggesting it, I will surely check it out x

  13. Bath and Body works need to do international shipping, or just make it's way over to NZ haha! I love these candles you've picked out, sound perfect for Autumn
    Kathy x

    1. Yes they really should start doing that x

  14. I heartily thanx you.Am Impress with You,this is really very good step for me.


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